When caring for a loved one with dementia or memory loss, strategies that work one day may not work the next.
Having a partner to support families and family caregivers through this ever changing journey provides both comfort and guidance.
Dementia is a broad term for a group of neurological disorders characterized by progressive deterioration in thinking and memory. It can present very differently for different people but often has some degree of personality change, impaired reasoning and confusion.
The progressive stages of dementia makes caring for a loved one a moving target. Strategies that work initially may become ineffective as time goes on, requiring regular adjustments to caregiving tactics.
Our dementia specialists can help families navigate the often difficult course from diagnosis through to in-home caregiving on to residential care if needed. Building a long-term relationship with a dementia coach provides a great deal of comfort to families, knowing they are not alone on this journey.
Who is Involved?
- The individual living with dementia is an integral part of the dementia coaching process as their wishes and needs form the foundation for care planning
- The spouse and/or family caregivers are the mainstay whose crucial role is supported and guided and by the dementia coach
- External care providers and support services also participate in this team approach to comprehensive dementia care planning
What are the Outcomes?
- A confident care team which includes caregivers who have the support needed to suit their caregiver capabilities and comfort level
- An individual with dementia who is healthy and exhibits minimal behaviour challenges and has a high quality of life
- Caregiver(s) who have a healthy balance and are able to maintain their own health and wellness
- The right care for the right stage of the disease
What is the Process?
- A comprehensive assessment identifies the wishes, challenges and concerns of the care receiver and the caregiver(s)
- The support plan is designed to support the person with dementia and the caregiver(s)
- Education and care strategies are employed to address challenging behaviours, communication, to meet daily needs and to create a safe environment
- Community services, programs, support groups and health system navigation are employed as needed
- Respite and/or residential care options are proposed if needed
- Access to the dementia coach to help problem solve on an as needed basis
When is the Best Time to Begin?
- As early as navigating a medical diagnosis, a dementia coach can help families understand the steps and overwhelming information that comes at this stage of the journey
- People with dementia often fare best in the familiar environment of home and it is during this longest stage of the journey that caregivers need to know what the resources are to help them maintain balance and their own health
- When challenging behaviours or increasing risks start to emerge, a coach is helpful to strategize solutions
- If respite or residential care is required we can help find the location that best suits the family’s and individual’s needs, preferences and finances