Professional Advice…

Elder Care Planning, Seniors Housing & Dementia Support

Professional Advisors for Seniors and their Families

Many seniors wish to stay in their own homes as they age. However without proper planning and access to the right supports, this goal is often compromised.

When seniors decide to move into a more supported living environment, choosing the right location is challenging but critical to their health and happiness.

Families who are caring for a loved-one with dementia face a difficult journey and require ongoing support that is specific to their unique circumstances.

Seniors and their supporting family members are often frustrated and overwhelmed with how complicated and time consuming it is to find the information they need to make important decisions.  Often they don’t know what they need help with, making it hard to plan ahead.

Whether planning well ahead or in immediate need, at Proactive Seniors we believe that being prepared is the key to living one’s best life. We help ensure seniors and their families have the information and guidance they need to make their best decisions and choices right now and into the future.

Navigating Change with Proactive Solutions

Watch Our Video to Learn How We Can Support You Every Step of the Way

The goal is to
stay home...

A senior couple, on the couch, smiling happily


  • You’re unsure what help is needed & when
  • Anxiety and worries are developing
  • Caregivers may be tiring out
  • A back-up or contingency plan is needed
You Need a Proactive Plan
  • A detailed health, function & risk assessment
  • A support plan for family caregivers
  • Referrals to trusted services & programs
  • A contingency plan in case the situation changes
Proactive Seniors Plan

You're considering
a move...

Senior Needing Housing Support


  • Choosing the best location for your situation is confusing
  • Information is hard to find & compare, waitlists are long
  • The thought of downsizing is overwhelming
  • You may be planning ahead or in a rush
You Need Housing Support
  • The best-fit solution for now & later
  • Tailored to individual needs, preferences & finances
  • Consideration of all options (public, private, subsidized)
  • Referrals to trusted downsizing & moving professionals
Seniors Housing Support

A loved one
has dementia...

An older couple, smiling together, the woman is resting her forehead on the man's head.


  • Disease presentation & its challenges change frequently
  • It is hard to plan for unexpected future care needs
  • You’re unsure of available supports & services
  • You’re overwhelmed & needing guidance
You Need a Dementia Coach
  • A plan that supports the caregiver & care-receiver 
  • Home safety & equipment assessment 
  • System navigation & resource referrals
  • On-call, personalized education, tips & strategies
Dementia CareCoaching

Family Support

Filling in the Gaps for Smooth Transitions
Family Liaison
Action Plan Task Support
Benefits Review
On-Call Support
Out-of-Town Support
Moving Plan
Appointment Accompaniment

What People Say


“Proactive Seniors took the guess work, running around and fear away in getting the best possible living arrangement for our mom and dad.”

Katie Marshall


“They have been an incredible resource and helped my mother so much, she is much happier and better cared for than ever before”

Al Del Degan


Thank you for the information and help you gave – it made for an easier decision and a successful move.  Everything went very smoothly and we have settled in well.  We are both enjoying living here and have no regrets about selling our home, no feelings of loss, or anything – which is actually a surprise to me.  We have met lots of very nice people that have made us so welcome.

Maureen and Derek


“I just wanted to send a big THANK YOU to you both for finding our family the perfect solution for their living arrangements.   You both went above and beyond what was expected and they could not be happier.”

Diane Wilkinson
